Clinical Herbalism Open for Business


It’s my birthday – so I figure what better way to celebrate than to open up my clinical herbalism practice to the general public.

Where? I practice from my kitchen table in Kingston New York, out of a studio space on Lower East Side of Manhattan, and of course on zoom.

When? My clinical hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 4:30-8:30, and by request. Please email to schedule an appointment.

What do you work with? I work with client on a variety of cronic and acute issues such as sleep, nervous system regulation, gut and digestion, peri-menopause/menopause, heart health, as well as epigenetic and inherited conditions, and, of course, general wellbeing and maintenance. If you are curious about your blood work lab results (for example cholesterol, sugar, thyroid and lyme) we can also discuss supportive protocols for those as well.

What to expect? After a 1-2 hour initial consultation, you will receive a protocol with herb recommendations (for example teas, tinctures, and powders), and then sometimes supplements and/or food recommendations, and life way suggestions. It is always helpful to schedule monthly or quarterly checkins at first, so we can alter the protocol as necessary.

How much? I work on a gift economy so payment is of your choosing: emails, cards, letters, photos, art, a poem, whatever, a mug – I really love mugs, or money if you really want. (A suggested price is $100 for an intake and $35 for follow ups.)

How? My goal in as an herbalist, as in all my work, is to make myself invisible. My goal as an herbalist is to provide a space and guidance to help deepen your relationship with your body and the plants that surround us.

Anything else?

I offer a weekly discussion group on the classics of herbal literature. We pick out passages and discuss them, what they mean for our ideas about wellbeing, and our understanding of plants.

Please email to schedule an appointment. Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 4:30-8:30, and by request, in Kingston New York , lower Manhattan, or zoom.

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